Configure Nectar DXP RIG Agent
    • 12 Mar 2025
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    Configure Nectar DXP RIG Agent

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    Article summary


    The Nectar DXP RIG agent is a piece of software that allows Nectar DXP to obtain and display data from a Foundation APM RIG instance.

    This guide provides the instructions on how to configure the Nectar DXP RIG agent. This Agent allows Nectar DXP to obtain data from a RIG such as RIG Events, Dependency Trees, etc. 


    Before installation please ensure that you have the following software and configuration data ready:

    • Software
      • 1x Nectar DXP Cloud instance
      • 1x Foundation APM RIG instance
      • 1x installer for DXP RIG Agent
        • This executable file should be placed on the RIG instance server for installation
    • Configuration data
      • PostgreSQL Username / Password / DB Name / Schema
      • Datagate URL / Username / Password

    If you are missing any of the above please reach out to Nectar before continuing with the deployment.

    Agent Installation Process

    Follow the steps below to install the DXP RIG Agent.

    1. Run the DXP RIG Agent installer as administrator
    2. Enter a unique postfix for the RIG Agent Service and click Next

    3. Choose RigAgent installation path

      Installations MUST happen on the C: Drive.
      This is due to an error that causing the PostgreSQL database installer to fail (initdb.exe)

    4. Choose folder for RigAgent Program Data

    5. Install

    6. Configure the PostgreSQL details

      EmbeddedDefault option for RIG Agent deployments
      ExternalUsed only in specific scenarios
      HostPostgreSQL Host URL
      PortDefault port is 5432
      UsernameUsername to access PostgreSQL
      PasswordPassword to access PostgreSQL
      DB NameName of PostgreSQL database
      Schema NameSchema to be used in PostgreSQL
      Please use ONLY lowercased letters, underscores, and numbers for Username, Schema Name, and DB Name fields!

    7. Configure service account details if necessary

    8. Enter main configuration details

      Datagate URLThe URL of the Datagate which determines where the RIG Agent data is sent to. 
      Datagate UsernameUsername to access the Datagate
      Datagate PasswordPassword to access the Datagate
      RigAgent Server PortDefault port is 8080
      RigAgent ManagementDefault port is 9088
      Min memory allocation for JVM process(Mb)512
      Max memory allocation for JVM process(Mb)4096

    9. Configure the RIG Manager

      Datagate URLThe URL of the Datagate which determines where the RIG Agent data is sent to. 
      Datagate Agent
      Datagate Password
      RigAgent Server PortDefault port is 8080
      RigAgent ManagementDefault port is 9088
      Min memory allocation for JVM process(Mb)256
      Max memory allocation for JVM process(Mb)768

    10. Configure proxy if required

    11. Review details and complete installation

    12. After the agent has been installed please contact Nectar to confirm that RIG Agent is communicating with the correct Nectar DXP cloud instance.

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