- 12 Jul 2022
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- Updated on 12 Jul 2022
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Improvements to Agent Emulator product with Liferay upgrade/tech stack refresh, accessibility support for Agent Experience (AX) platform, implementing support for Genesys multi-Cloud private edition, integration of recording assurance solution with Word watch, and integration of CX Assurance (CX) product with Agent Emulator platform.
Technical Notes
New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes
New Features and Improvements
- CXA-2089 - AX integration with WW
- CXA-774 - CX/AX Integration
- CXA-2439 - Agent Looping Termination during AX-CX integration
- CXA-2402 - AX Accessibility High Contrast Issues
- CXA-2289 - Mismatch in Call reports of CX and AX
- CXA-2288 - Not Allowed to edit the Service Account page
- CXA-2287 - Alarm feature for Low Recording Size
- CXA-2249 - A new control needs to be added in CX campaign, to mention time in mins
- CXA-2248 - MoS score in report format to display
- CXA-2201 - Check if BSL recordings can be played in browser like CX (BSL recordings being different codec format)
- CXA-2200 - Store recordings within AX application
- CXA-2199 - Process shared BSL metadata and recordings and do size checks
- CXA-2198 - Show MoS threshold and score (fetched via pjsua/RTCPXR) in reports
- CXA-2197 - Make it deployment configurable to run RX as Internal or external
- CXA-2196 - Add settings in testcase screen for mos threshold, recording size threshold
- CXA-2188 - Support options available in Agent Groups for Genesys MCP
- CXA-2187 - Authenticating programmatically controlled agents to Genesys MCPE API
- CXA-2186 - Implement options for conference and transfer
- CXA-2185 - MCPE- Implement option for Basic call controls
- CXA-2184 - MCPE-User should be able to select Reason code in front end while setting test step - Implement option for Basic call controls
- CXA-2183 - MCPE- Implement option to change agent states to Not Ready along with reason
- CXA-2182 - Implement option to change agent state to Ready
- CXA-2181 - Create general API wrapper to support AX connectivity to Genesys MCPE
- CXA-1693 - Genesys Engage Cloud Private Edition Support
- CXA-1054 - Cx/Ax Integration Alarm feature
- CXA-849 - CX and AX campaign linking
- CXA-2273 - AX/CX Integration - Historical Report - Under "Results Summary Report", Section title could be provided along with a change in column header name.
- CXA-2211 - Accessibility support for AX
- CXA-2090 - AX integration with WW
- CXA-2077 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Settings - Description under "Organization" and "User Management" panel is inappropriate.
- CXA-1997 - Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Campaigns - Field "Enable Web RTC" could be removed.
- CXA-1995 - Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Campaigns - Field "Max Call Concept could be removed.
- CXA-1974 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Manage Test Cases - Tab "Phone Test Cases" could be renamed to "Manage Test Cases".
- CXA-1908 - Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Groups - System could let the user know, once a agent is logged in/agent state is changed to any other status.
- CXA-1903 - Tech stack refresh AX - Consolidated list of tab names which could be renamed for better usability.
- CXA-1895 - Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Campaigns - System could change the end time (+1 minute from start time) automatically, when a start time is selected.
- CXA-1893 - Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Test Cases - System could let the user to know the agent group id through UI, as this id is required to be known during test case import.
- CXA-1880 - Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Campaigns - For better usability, Manage Campaigns section could have a column for displaying campaign's creation date under "Agent Campaigns" tab.
- CXA-1852 - Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Agents - Text "PeripheralId" could have space between Peripheral and ID.
- CXA-1832 - Tech stack refresh AX - Session expiry alert title could be renamed to "Warning" instead of "Danger".
- CXA-1827 AX / WordWatch Integration
- CXA-870 - Genesys Engage - Manage Groups table, login button returns error
- CXA-828 - AX - Prepare/update installation/setup manual
- CXA-1223 - Create a service account on AX for every organization.
- CXA-1212 - Open linked AX Test Case report in a new tab (within AX application)
- CXA-1110 - Update AX Org settings section to generalize CX connection settings
- CXA-1109 - Support auto login in AX when report link is accessed by CX
- CXA-1108 - Create a report deep link feature in AX
- CXA-1107 - Show link to open AX report from CX report detail
- CXA-1106 - AX should send/post its testcase execution output to CX
- CXA-1105 - CX should wait for linked AX call outcome before sending any alerts
- CXA-1104 - Stop AX campaign if a user stops linked CX campaign
- CXA-1047 - Create API in AX to get campaigns information
- CXA-893 - Any failures on AX should also have possibility to trigger alarms from CX
- CXA-892 - Investigate how to fetch common ANI in AX received call
- CXA-737 - AE Middleware : Make call to another extension or sip number
Bug Fixes
- CXA-2431 - Regression for MS3 - AX - Intermittent issue - System is unable to change the agent group for an existing test case.
- CXA-2430 - Regression for MS3 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System displays MOS score as "0" for a completed call.
- CXA-2429 - Regression for MS3 - AX CX Integration- System displays the value of "Next Run" inaccurately, when an AX linked CX Campaign is set to run on daily run.
- CXA-2412 - Regression for MS3 - AX - Time selected in the placeholder of "Daily Run" is not reflected in the "Scheduled" field.
- CXA-2411 - Regression for MS3 - AX - Real time reports - For a daily run campaign, system does not display the scheduled campaign end time appropriately.
- CXA-2410 - Regression for MS3 - AX - System does not update %complete under "Real Time Agent Status" and "Real Time Test Cases" reports (happens only for individual AX campaign runs)
- CXA-2409 - Regression for MS3 - AX - For a daily run campaign, system runs the campaign multiple times (until the end time is reached), though the frequency is set as 0.
- CXA-2408 - Regression for MS3 - AX CX Integration - Test step type "Verify User Data" is not working.
- CXA-2407 - Regression for MS3 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System does not display agent’s duration at current state (Ready, Answer, Logout).
- CXA-2406 - Regression for MS3 - AX CX Integration - Real Time Report - Total Duration displayed in "Real Time Agent Status Report"/Real Time Test cases Report" is incorrect.
- CXA-2397 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - Failure reason is displayed multiple times (which worked as expected earlier) under View Test Cases Report/Result Summary Report.
- CXA-2394 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - Campaigns (created newly) is not displayed as sorted, when "Created Date" is default sorted.
- CXA-2393 - AX CX Integration - Real Time Report- System does not show Agent status report and Result summary detail report (which worked earlier) during campaign run.
- CXA-2391 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - Filtering out a campaign with start and end date (for a specific date) displays the campaign run for all the dates.
- CXA-2390 - AX CX Integration - System logs out an agent even before "disconnect" test step type is executed.
- CXA-2388 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - During "Daily Run" campaign edit, clicking on "Delete Row" icon makes the field "Daily Run" (place holder to schedule) to disappear.
- CXA-2387 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - Alignment for the field "Daily Run" changes upon editing a campaign.
- CXA-2386 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - System displays "Next Run" date, though the corresponding campaign (scheduled for daily run) is stopped from its schedule.
- CXA-2385 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System opens up call detail screen, when any of the recording controls are accessed.
- CXA-2384 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System is unable to download recording from "Test Cases Report".
- CXA-2375 - AX CX Integration - Manage Campaigns - Campaign run is aborted for individual AX campaign runs.
- CXA-2373 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - For an Aborted status of a campaign run, System does not display value of "MOS Threshold" that is set during AX test case creation.
- CXA-2372 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - System is unable to run a AX campaign (was working earlier) when a CX campaign (linked to AX campaign) is scheduled to run using "Interval Schedule".
- CXA-2370 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - Search text fields (which were working earlier) is not working/non editable.
- CXA-2298 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - System is unable to schedule a campaign through Daily schedule.
- CXA-2293 - AX CX Integration - Test Case Manager- During edit, system loses the data (updated data) related to test case details, when User tries to add/delete a test step.
- CXA-2291 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - System is unable to run a AX campaign when a CX campaign (linked to AX campaign) is scheduled to run using "Daily Run".
- CXA-2285 - AX CX Integration - Alarm Feature - Alert email displays local host url for accessing CX Report.
- CXA-2282 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System does not display a column "Status" under "Result Summary Report" tab.
- CXA-2276 - AX CX Integration - Real Time Report - System remains as it is, while trying to view agent status report, during a campaign run.
- CXA-2275 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System displays incorrect duration under "Test Cases Report". under "Test Cases Run Report".
- CXA-2269 - AX CX Integration - Real Time Report- System does not update the "Status" and "End Time" for a completed campaign run.
- CXA-2268 - AX CX Integration - Real Time Report - Format of "Start Time" could be changed under the tab "Real Time Campaigns In Progress".
- CXA-2267 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - Hitting "Refresh" on "Campaign Manager" displays a message related to "Confirm Form Submission".
- CXA-2265 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System does not display duration for individual test step type.
- CXA-2262 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System displays negative value for the column "Duration".
- CXA-2259 - AX CX Integration - Historical Report - System displays incorrect duration under "Test Cases Run Report".
- CXA-2257 - AX CX Integration - Campaign Manager - System remains as it is and unable to execute a campaign using "Reschedule" option.
- CXA-2255 - AX CX Integration - Group Manager - Alignment of button "Add New" could be corrected.
- CXA-2254 - AX CX Integration - Server Manager - Screen remains as it is, while trying to add details for creating a new server and save.
- CXA-2245 - MCPE – Test Case Manager - Single step/Complete Transfer calls and Single step/Complete Conference Calls are not working appropriately.
- CXA-2244 - AX - Search text fields (which were displayed earlier) are missing in Agent Emulator.
- CXA-2236 - MCPE - Campaign Manager - System is unable to execute test step type "SendDTMF" when user tries to make a call and then send DTMF through test step.
- CXA-2234 - MCPE – Historical Report - Reason (Failure reason) displayed under “Historical Report” is inaccurate.
- CXA-2232 - MCPE - Test Case Manager - Test Step type "Make Call Step" is not working. Unable to make a call from AX agent (Agt 5)
- CXA-2231 - MCPE – Test Case Manager - Unable to perform transfer as system does not save the destination number entered for calls transfer.
- CXA-2224 - MCPE - Report - Real Time Report/Historical Report - Value displayed in "No. of calls" is incorrect.
- CXA-2222 - MCPE - Report - Real Time Report - Duration displayed in "Real time test cases report" is incorrect
- CXA-2221 - MCPE - Report - Historical Report - Status displayed in "Real time test cases report" is retained as "In Progress" and does not change (in case of failure).
- CXA-2220 - MCPE - Report - Real Time Report - Status displayed in "Real time test cases report" is retained as "In Progress" and does not change even after the test case run is completed (in case of failure).
- CXA-2219 - MCPE - Campaign Manager - System is unable to schedule a campaign through interval schedule.
- CXA-2217 - MCPE - Test Case Manager - Adding a new test step is retaining the old test step, during test step creation.
- CXA-2069 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Manage Campaigns - Rows added for the Daily Run schedule does not populate the time selected in "Time placeholder".
- CXA-2066 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Report - Historical Report - System opens up the calendar automatically on clicking "Historical Report" section.
- CXA-2035 - Tech stack refresh RX - Report - Description under Report navigation panel is inappropriate.
- CXA-2030 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Manage Campaigns - System does not display the current time, when clock icon available in "Daily Run" option is clicked.
- CXA-2004 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Manage Test Cases - Addition of a new test step always sorts the test steps descending.
- CXA-2003 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Manage Test Cases - System allows duplicate test step types to be entered.
- CXA-2001 - Tech stack refresh RX - Manage Test Cases - System does not display "System Variables" section on clicking its icon under column "Actions".
- CXA-1972 - Tech stack refresh RXA - Manage Test Cases - System does not create a test case when description provided is lengthy.
- CXA-1969 Tech stack refresh RXA - Manage Groups - System does not consider the field "CTI Server" as mandatory.
- CXA-1925 Tech stack refresh RX - Manage Phones - System creates duplicate Phone details, while trying to import already existing Phone details.
- CXA-1923 Tech stack refresh RX - Manage Phones - System allows to import phones without selecting the CTI server.
- CXA-1922 Tech stack refresh RX - Manage Phones - System does not display error message when an invalid file format (say any format other than CSV) is chosen for import.
- CXA-1914 Tech stack refresh RX - Manage Servers - System accepts alpha characters for the field "Port".
- CXA-1913 Tech stack refresh RX - Manage Servers - System does not consider the mandatory fields and allows user to create a blank record.
- CXA-1911 Tech stack refresh RX - Manage Servers - Misalignment of icons are noticed under the column "Actions".
- CXA-1904 Tech stack refresh AX - Settings - User Management - Roles assigned during user creation disappears as soon as the user creation page is saved.
- CXA-1899 Tech stack refresh AX - Report - Real Time Report -Value displayed for the field "No. of calls" under "Test Cases Report" is inaccurate.
- CXA-1896 Tech stack refresh AX - Report - Real Time Report - Duration displayed under "Agent Status/Test Cases Report" is inaccurate.
- CXA-1882 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Campaigns - Field "Select Test Cases" to be labelled with mandatory symbol, as system would not allow to create a campaign without selecting test cases.
- CXA-1881 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Campaigns - System allows to save a campaign without naming it, though the field "Name" is marked with mandatory symbol.
- CXA-1878 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Test Cases - System shows inappropriate drop down options for the field "Attached Data Key", while trying to add new test step.
- CXA-1877 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Test Cases - System does not delete attached data key and its values when "Remove row" icon is clicked.
- CXA-1876 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Test Cases - Summary: System does not retain the parameters and its value entered under "Verify User Data" test step type.
- CXA-1874 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Test Cases - System does not display an error message when "Import" button is clicked with out any file being chosen for import.
- CXA-1872 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Test Cases - System does not display error message when an invalid file format (say any format other than XML) is chosen for import.
- CXA-1863 Tech stack refresh AX - System allows to create test cases with the same test case name repeated.
- CXA-1859 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Groups - System is unable to login a agent to Genesys on clicking "Login to Genesys" icon.
- CXA-1855 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Servers - System accepts special characters (without any number included) for the fields "Server FQDN" and "Server Port".
- CXA-1850 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Agents -System does not display error message when an invalid file format (say any format other than CSV) is chosen for import.
- CXA-1847 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Agents - System allows to import a blank CSV file under "Manage Agents" section.
- CXA-1838 Tech stack refresh AX - Manage Agents - System allows to create a new agent by leaving all the fields blank, though it's labelled as mandatory in the system.
- CXA-1837 Tech stack refresh AX - System does not consider "Server FQDN" and "Server Port" as mandatory and allows user to create a new server by having these fields blank.
- CXA-1751 In genesys test case run hold test step is not working.
- CXA-1076 RXA - Old campaign name is retained under "Available filter campaigns" along with the updated campaign name in Historical reports section
- CXA-1075 RXA - When a campaign report is filtered out for a specific date, system displays the report (for different dates) though the filtered date does not have the intended campaign run made.
- CXA-1073 RXA - Selected Campaign names are not visible properly under Historical Reports section
- CXA-1070 RXA - Filtering out a campaign with no start and end date provides all the campaign runs instead of searched one
- CXA-985 Genesys Engage -Usability issue: The campaign run report closes when the testcase report is closed
Known Open Issues
- CXA-2451 - AX- Real time Report- Status of agent is retained as "Ready" though the campaign run is completed and agent is logged off (per Genesys portal)
- CXA-2452 - AX- Manage Campaigns- Time slider moves to an inappropriate position, on clicking "Now" under "Choose Time" section.
- CXA-2277 - AX/CX integration - Real Time Report - System does not display progress details, while trying to view real time test cases report, during a campaign run when frequency is set for a CX campaign
- CXA-2216 - MCPE- Agent Manager - System does not display the field "Agent API token" as mandatory.
- CXA-2225/CXA-2226 - MCPE- "MOS threshold & MOS score" and "recording size threshold & score" will be not be supported. (This will not be implemented)
- CXA-2283 - System does not run AX campaign as per the frequency set through CX campaign. It performs additional AX campaign runs.
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