    • 26 Oct 2024
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    Article summary

    You can view specific data using the filters at the top of the page, which are applied to all sections on the SUMMARY tab.

    • Click Show/Hide Filters (1) in the upper-right corner to select the filters you want to use.

    The filters are described in the following table.



    Ext. Connection Type

    Shows the connection type used to connect to the Internet, such as Wireless or Cable.

    Ext. Location City

    Click in the Search field and start entering characters to populate the list of cities. Select one or more cities to include in the session data.

    Ext. Location Country

    Click in the Search field and start entering characters to populate the list of countries. Select one or more countries to include in the session data.

    Select All

    Selects all filters.

    Deselect All

    Deselect all filters.

    The following filters show in addition to the selected filters. Even if you deselect all filters, the following filters still show. These filters determine the location and session information that is displayed.

    These filters are described in the following table.



    Time Period (1)

    Select one of the following options to identify the time period for the data you want to view; then click Apply:

    • Hour
    • Day (default)
    • 7 Days
    • 30 Days

    Date range shows the exact time period based on the selection. For example, 30 days shows:

    Corporate Location (2)

    Click in the Search field and start entering characters to populate the list of locations. Select one or more locations to include in your session data and click Apply.

    You can also use the Search field to search for a particular location; then select it.

    Platform (3)

    Select one or more of the listed platforms to specify the session information you want to view; then click Apply.

    Nectar Score (4)

    Select one or more of the following Nectar scores, which provides the quality of calls in percentages for the session information you want to view; then click Apply:

    • Good (80-100%)
    • Average (60-80%)
    • Poor (0-60%)
    • Unknown

    Insights (5)

    Select one or more of the following insights (session history) you want to view, if any; then click Apply:

    • High packet loss
    • High jitter
    • High roundtrip delay
    • Normal session

    MOS (6)

    Select one or more of the following MOS scores for the session information you want to view, if any; then click Apply:

    • Good (3.6-5.0)
    • Satisfactory (3.1-3.6)
    • Poor (0-3.1)
    • Unknown
    • To automatically update the call details, select the Auto update check box. (7)
    This feature is not available for 7 Days or 30 Days.
    • To reset the filters to the default values, click Reset Filter. (8)

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    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence