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Installation Guide for Linux
- Updated on 05 Dec 2024
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Installing the Agent
RPM software packages are provided for installing the Nectar Common Utilities Package and Nectar Endpoint Client software onto the host device. Before installation, copy the two RPM files to a folder of your choice on the target host. Ensure that you choose the appropriate versions for your OS version and architecture.
Required Packages
The Nectar Common Utilities Package is a support package required by all Nectar applications for Linux. It is available as a 32-bit or 64-bit application (RHEL/CentOS 7.x requires the 64-bit version).
The installation package file name is:
- tcmy-cmn-util-m.n.b-r.i386.rpm (32-bit)
- tcmy-cmn-util-m.n.b-r.x86_64.rpm (64-bit)
where m.n.b-r is the Nectar Common Utilities version number.
Nectar Endpoint Client software is also available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions (64-bit required for RHEL/CentOS 7.x) The installation package file name is:
- nectarepc-m.n.b-r.el6.i686.rpm(RHEL/CentOS 6.x 32-bit)
- nectarepc-m.n.b-r.el6.x86_64.rpm(RHEL/CentOS 6.x 64-bit)
- nectarepc-m.n.b-r.el7.x86_64.rpm(RHEL/CentOS 7.x 64-bit)
where m.n.b-r is the Nectar Endpoint Client version number.
Installing with the YUM Package Manager
To install the software packages using YUM, use the yum -y localinstall command. For example:
# yum -y localinstall tcmy-cmn-util-m.n.b-r.x86_64.rpm nectarepc-m.n.b-r.el7.x86_64.rpm |
Installing with the RPM Package Manager
To install the software packages using RPM, use the rpm -i[vh] command. For example:
# rpm -ivh tcmy-cmn-util-m.n.b-r.x86_64.rpm nectarepc-m.n.b-r.el7.x86_64.rpm |
Configuring the Agent
The Nectar Endpoint Client includes a menu-driven configuration tool for configuring the agent parameters, which are saved to the configuration file /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf.
Initial Configuration
Follow the steps below to configure the Nectar Endpoint Client before starting the agent for the first time. (For instructions on using the configuration tool to edit an existing agent configuration, see Modifying Agent Configuration Settings).
- Log into the host device as 'root' using the su - command.
- Enter the following command to launch the Nectar Endpoint Client configuration tool:TypeScript
[root]# service nectarepc config
- At the Configuration Options menu, enter 1 to begin the initial agent configuration.
Configuration Options:
[1] Initial/Full Configuration
[2] Agent Identification
[3] Management Domain(s)
[4] Logging
[5] Exit
The following table lists the allowed character for the agent display name (Step 4), agent description (Step 5), management domain name (Step 10) and domain passphrase (Step 11).
The agent description can also contain space characters (Dec 32).
Dec | Char | Dec | Char | Dec | Char | Dec | Char | Dec | Char | Dec | Char |
33 | ! | 56 | 8 | 73 | I | 87 | W | 106 | i | 119 | w |
36 | $ | 57 | 9 | 74 | J | 88 | X | 106 | j | 120 | x |
42 | * | 58 | : | 75 | K | 89 | Y | 107 | k | 121 | y |
43 | + | 61 | = | 76 | L | 90 | Z | 108 | l | 122 | z |
45 | - | 63 | ? | 77 | M | 94 | ^ | 109 | m | 124 | | |
46 | . | 64 | @ | 78 | N | 95 | _ | 110 | n | 126 | ~ |
48 | 0 | 65 | A | 79 | O | 97 | a | 111 | o | ||
49 | 1 | 66 | B | 80 | P | 98 | b | 112 | p | ||
50 | 2 | 67 | C | 81 | Q | 99 | c | 113 | q | ||
51 | 3 | 68 | D | 82 | R | 100 | d | 114 | r | ||
52 | 4 | 69 | E | 83 | S | 101 | e | 115 | s | ||
53 | 5 | 70 | F | 84 | T | 102 | f | 116 | t | ||
54 | 6 | 71 | G | 85 | U | 103 | g | 117 | u | ||
55 | 7 | 72 | H | 86 | V | 104 | h | 118 | v |
- At the following prompt, enter a display name for the agent (up to 16 characters max). This name will identify the agent in the Controller. Note: if the display name is left blank, the agent will create its own display name at runtime.
Agent Identification:
Version: 3.0.057 (15:38:56 June 23 2021)
UUID : 1b90bd30-6fb4-11eb-9823-1c3ed9d898e9
Host ID: FF1FA2AE-E3F6-99A3-B336-BA069BB6FF39-9888A400 [Fri Jul 2 10:39:43 2021]
Enter a display-name identifier for the agent (i.e., hostname)
64-char max [] : example_agent
- At the following prompt, enter an optional description for the agent, such as a location identifier (256 characters max).
Enter a description for the agent (i.e., location)
256-char max [] : This is the agent description
- (Optional) at the following prompts, enter the Organization ID and Organization Group ID for the agent. These identifiers are used to automatically associate the agent with a specific controller resource group and (if applicable) pool license key for that resource group when the agent connects to the Controller.
Both Organization ID and Organization Group ID must consist of alphanumeric characters only (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). If this agent does not require an Organization ID/Organization Group ID, press Enter at the Organization ID prompt to skip to the next step.
Enter the Organization ID for the agent ** THIS INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED BY NECTAR PS **
63-char max [] : exampleOrgID
Enter the Organization Group ID for the agent ** THIS INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED BY NECTAR PS **
63-char max [] : exampleOrgGroupID
- At the following prompt, enter the desired syslog level for agent logging, or press Enter to accept the default level (Notice). To disable agent logging, enter NON.
Enter agent's syslog level. One of:
[NON] None - No logging
[ALE] Alerts - Action must be taken immediately
[CRI] Critical conditions
[ERR] Error conditions
[WAR] Warning conditions
[NOT] Notice - Normal but significant conditions (default)
[INF] Informational
[DEB] Debug-level messages for diagnostic
[NOT] :
- At the following prompt, enter the desired logging level for Controller event logging, or press Enter to accept the default level (Notice). To disable Controller event logging, enter NON.
Enter controller's event logging level. One of:
[NON] None - No logging
[ALE] Alerts - Action must be taken immediately
[CRI] Critical conditions
[ERR] Error conditions
[WAR] Warning conditions
[NOT] Notice - Normal but significant conditions (default)
[INF] Informational
[DEB] Debug-level messages for diagnostics
[NOT] :
- The next series of prompts concern the management domain configuration. Before an agent can connect to a Controller, both the agent and Controller must be configured with the same management domain name and passphrase. To facilitate management by multiple Controllers, Agents can be configured with multiple management domains.
Enter the number of management domains to add (default is 1).
A Management Domain specifies a network interface and security
credentials for Agent-Controller connections.
How many Management Domains would you like to add? (Max 16)
[1] :
- At the following prompt, enter the management domain name (from 6 to 64 characters). For a list of allowed characters, refer to the table on page 10.
Enter a (6 to 64 character) name for Domain 1 :
- At the following prompt, enter the management domain passphrase (from 8 to 64 characters). For a list of allowed characters, refer to the table on page 10.
Enter a (8 to 64 character) password for Domain 1 :
- At the following prompt, enter y if the management domain has administrative privileges, or n if the domain does not have administrative privileges (default is Yes). If the domain has administrative privileges, users of the Controller that shares the same domain are permitted to change configuration parameters on this agent, stop tests in progress, assign/revoke license keys. If the domain does not have administrative privileges, users of the Controller are restricted from performing these administrative functions but can still perform basic tasks such as running tests.
If this is the only management domain being configured on the agent, select Yes. If you are configuring more than one management domain, note that only one of the domains can have administrative privileges.
Domain has administrative privileges? [Yes] :y
- At the following prompt, enter n if the management domain does not make outbound connections or y if the domain does make outbound connections (default is No). In a typical configuration, all connections between the Controller and agent are inbound (i.e., the Controller initiates the connection with the agent). Typically, it would be necessary to enter Yes if the agent were placed behind a firewall and unable to receive incoming connection requests from the Controller.
Domain makes outbound connections (i.e., if firewalled?) [No] :n
If the answer is No, skip to Step 14. If the response is Yes, you will be prompted to enter one or more outbound Controller addresses (IP address or hostname). To specify a port number, use the format <address>:<port>. If a port number is not specified, the default Controller port of 40001 will be used.
Multiple addresses can be entered as comma-separated values. If multiple addresses are indicated, any connection failure will cause the next address to be attempted. The following are all valid examples:
Outbound controller address list []
: controller.us.nectar.services:40001
If a firewall is enabled on the Controller host, it must be configured to allow connections on the port used by the Controller to listen for agent connections (default 40001). |
- At the following prompt, enter n if the management domain should not filter inbound connections (from the Controller to the agent) by IP address, or y to filter inbound connections by IP address (default is No). Inbound filtering can be used as an optional security measure.
Domain filters inbound connections by IP address [No] :
If the answer is No, skip to Step 15. If the answer is Yes, you will be prompted to enter a valid IP range for incoming connections. Addresses can be entered in the form of individual IPs, CIDR notation, or a hyphenated address range. The following are all valid examples:
Allowed IP range(s) for inbound []
- Next, the configuration tool will display information about available network devices (i.e., interfaces) and prompt you to select a method for binding an interface to the management domain.
Network interfaces (2):
1) Device name: eth0
Description: e1000
MAC: 08:00:27:17:2C:14 MTU: 1500 Link Speed: 1000.0Mbps
IP: fe80::a00:27ff:fe17:2c14
Status: Admin Enabled | Link Up
2) Device name: lo
MAC: [none] MTU: 0 Link Speed: 100.0Mbps
IP: ::1
Status: Admin Enabled | Link Up
Default IPv4 Gateway:
IP:, Net ID:, Mask:, Metric: 0
DNS Name Servers (4):
Select the Management Domain network-device binding type:
[Dev]ice name
[MAC] address
[IP] address
[Any] (Try to choose for me)
[All] available ( and ::) * NOTE: All mgmt domains must use, if selected.
[Dev] :
The interface can be bound in the following ways:
- Enter Dev (or simply press Enter) to select by the device name (this is the default).
- Enter MAC to select by MAC address.
- Enter IP to select by IP address.
- Enter Any to automatically select a management interface.
- Enter All to allow the agent to listen on all available interfaces.
If you will be configuring more than one management domain, note that if the All option is selected for one management domain, it must also be selected for the additional management domain(s). |
After selecting a binding option, press Enter to accept the default suggested interface or enter the correct information for the desired interface. For example:
[Dev] :
Enter the network device name [eth0] :
Unless the agent is configured to make outbound connections to the Controller (see Step 13), make sure to note the IP address of the selected interface. You will need to enter this IP address in the Reporter to establish a connection with the agent. |
- At the next prompt, enter the local TCP port number on which to listen for inbound connections from the Controller (default is 40000). To prevent the agent from listening for inbound connections, enter 0.
Enter the local TCP listener port for inbound connections.
(0 = do not listen) [40000] :
- At the next prompt, enter one or more device (i.e., interface) names that the agent is permitted to use for management connections to the Controller, or press Enter to accept the default device. If entering more than one device name, use commas to separate them.
Wildcards (* = all, ? = any) are permitted. For example, eth* would include eth0, eth1, eth2, etc.
Management-Device Policy:
Enter list of allowed mgmt device names. Wildcards (e.g., * or ?) permitted. [eth0] :
- At the next prompt, enter one or more local IP address ranges in CIDR notation that the agent is permitted to use for the specified management device, or press Enter to accept the default (all IPv4 addresses except and all IPv6 addresses except fe80::/64). Use semicolons to separate multiple IP ranges. To exclude an IP range, prefix the range with the ! character.
Enter permitted local IP address range(s) in CIDR notation
for mgmt dev 'eth0'. To deny, prefix with '!'.
(e.g.;;!fe80::/64) [;::/0;!;!fe80::/64] :
- At the next prompt, press Enter to allow the IP address of the specified management device to migrate if it is reassigned, or enter No to prevent IP address migration.
Allow local mgmt dev IP address to migrate if re-assigned
(i.e., via DHCP)? [Yes] :
If you specified more than one management device name in Step 17, you will be prompted to specify the permitted local IP ranges (Step 18) and DHCP migration setting (Step 19) for each additional management interface. |
- At the next prompt, enter one or more device (i.e., interface) names that the agent is permitted to use for test connections, or press Enter to accept the default device. If entering more than one device name, use commas to separate them.
Wildcards (* = all, ? = any) are permitted. For example, eth* would include eth0, eth1, eth2, etc.
Enter list of allowed test device names. Wildcards (e.g., * or ?) permitted. [*] :
- At the next prompt, enter one or more local IP address ranges in CIDR notation that the agent is permitted to use for the specified test device, or press Enter to accept the default (all IPv4 addresses except and all IPv6 addresses except fe80::/64). Use semicolons to separate multiple IP ranges. To exclude an IP range, prefix the range with the ! character.
Enter permitted local IP address range(s) in CIDR notation
for test dev 'eth0'. To deny, prefix with '!'.
(e.g.,;;!fe80::/64) [;::/0;!;!fe80::/64] :
- At the next prompt, press Enter to allow the IP address of the specified test device to migrate if it is reassigned, or enter No to prevent IP address migration.
Allow local test dev IP address to migrate if re-assigned
(i.e., via DHCP)? [Yes] :
If you specified more than one test device name in Step 20, you will be prompted to specify the permitted local IP ranges (Step 21) and DHCP migration setting (Step 22) for each additional test interface. |
- At the next prompt, enter the number of test retry attempts that the agent should make when the source IP address is unavailable or invalid before aborting the test, or press Enter to accept the default (10 attempts). To disable the retry auto-abort and permit the agent to retry tests indefinitely, enter 0.
Test Abort Conditions:
Number of test retry attempts for unavailable/invalid source IP before auto abort.
range: 0 (ignore) to 700 [10] :
- At the next prompt, enter the maximum time period (in seconds) that a test can have an unavailable or invalid source IP address before it is automatically aborted, or press Enter to accept the default (3600 seconds, i.e., one hour). To disable the timeout for auto-aborting tests, enter 0.
Maximum period (s) a test may have an unavailable/invalid source IP before auto abort.
range: 0 (ignore) to 604800s [3600] :
If you specified more than one management domain in Step 9, you will be prompted to enter the configuration settings for each additional management domain (Steps 10-24). |
When you have finished configuring the management domain[s], the configuration tool will save all settings to the configuration file and exit to the command prompt.
For instructions on starting the agent, see Starting the Agent.
Modifying Agent Configuration Settings
If necessary, you can re-run the configuration tool at any time to modify the existing configuration for an agent.
Performing a Full/Initial Configuration
To review or reconfigure all the agent configuration settings:
- Log into the host device as 'root' using the su - command.
- If the agent service is running, stop the agent by entering the following command at the prompt:
[root]# service nectarepc stop
Shutting down nectarepc: [ OK ]
- Enter the following command to execute the configuration script:
[root]# service nectarepc config
- At the Configuration Options menu, enter 1.
Configuration Options:
[1] Initial/Full Configuration
[2] Agent Identification
[3] Management Domain(s)
[4] Logging
[5] Exit
- If a configuration file already exists for the agent, you will be asked whether to back up the existing file before making changes. Enter y (or simply press Enter) to back up the existing fi11le or n to skip backing up the file. Files are backed up in the /etc/nectarepc directory as nectarepc.1, nectarepc.2, etc.)
Warning: stored configuration already exists:
-rw-r--r-- root 9962 Feb 15 11:12 /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf
/etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf Backup? [Y] :y
Backing up /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf => /etc/nectarepc/
- Follow the prompts to review and modify each configuration setting as needed. For a description of each step, refer to Initial Configuration.
Modifying Agent Identification Information
To modify the agent's name or description:
- Log into the host device as 'root' using the su - command. If the agent service is running, stop the agent by entering the following command at the prompt:
[root]# service nectarepc stop
Shutting down nectarepc: . [ OK ]
- Enter the following command to execute the configuration script:
[root]# service nectarepc config
- At the Configuration Options menu, enter 2.
Configuration Options:
[1] Initial/Full Configuration
[2] Agent Identification
[3] Management Domain(s)
[4] Logging
[5] Exit
- If a configuration file already exists for the agent, you will be asked whether to back up the existing file before making changes. Enter y (or simply press Enter) to back up the existing file or n to skip backing up the file. Files are backed up in the /etc/nectarepc directory as nectarepc.1, nectarepc.2, etc.)
Warning: stored configuration already exists:
-rw-r--r-- root 9962 Feb 15 11:12 /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf
/etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf Backup? [Y] :y
Backing up /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf => /etc/nectarepc/
- At the following prompt, enter a new display name for the agent (up to 16 characters max), or press Enter to use the existing name. This name will identify the agent in the Controller. For a list of allowed characters, see the table on page 10.
Agent Identification:
Version: 3.0.057 (15:38:56 Jun 23 2021)
UUID : 1b90bd30-6fb4-11eb-9823-1c3ed9d898e9
Host ID: C4EEF004-814C-5544-A7CF-6B8192E4E4A0-8000F300 [Fri Jul 2 11:26:57 2021]
Enter a display-name identifier for the agent (i.e., hostname)
16-char max [example_agent] : new_agent_name
At the following prompt, enter a new optional description for the agent, such as a location identifier (256 characters max). For a list of allowed characters, see the table on page 10.
Enter a description for the agent (i.e., location)
256-char max [This is the agent description.] : This is the new description.
An OK response indicates that the changes were saved to the configuration file:
[ OK ]
Modifying the Management Domain(s)
To add, remove, or modify the management domain(s) configured on the agent:
- Log into the host device as 'root' using the su - command.
- If the agent service is running, stop the agent by entering the following command at the prompt:
[root]# service nectarepc stop
Shutting down nectarepc: . [ OK ]
- Enter the following command to execute the configuration script:
[root]# service nectarepc config
- At the Configuration Options menu, enter 3.
Configuration Options:
[1] Initial/Full Configuration
[2] Agent Identification
[3] Management Domain(s)
[4] Logging
[5] Exit
- If a configuration file already exists for the agent, you will be asked whether to back up the existing file before making changes. Enter y (or simply press Enter) to back up the existing file or n to skip backing up the file. Files are backed up in the /etc/nectarepc directory as nectarepc.1, nectarepc.2, etc.)
Warning: stored configuration already exists:
-rw-r--r-- root 9962 Feb 15 11:12 /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf
/etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf Backup? [Y] :y
Backing up /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf => /etc/nectarepc/
- The configuration tool will display the existing management domains if any are configured (see example below).
2 Management Domains defined:
1) Name: example_domain
Access Code: 3gAFCZiJgRoBj9i5bGmA/NSwMHIwEKRjKzJYJM0ku9A
Dev: eth0 MAC: [undefined] IP:Port [undefined]
Bind Type: Device Name
Outb Ctrl Addr(s): [undefined]
Outb Data Addr(s): [undefined]
Administrator: Yes
2) Name: domain2
Access Code: NODxT3Q23z9Jn//i7ca.6vQgeR6HbQxoRboFR5bqGh0
Dev: eth0 MAC: [undefined] IP:Port [undefined]
Bind Type: Device Name
Outb Ctrl Addr(s): [undefined]
Outb Data Addr(s): [undefined]
Administrator: No
A)dd, R)emove, M)odify, or Q)uit [Q] :
- To modify an existing domain, enter M. If more than one domain is configured, at the Modify which domain? prompt, enter the number for the domain or press Enter to accept the default.
A)dd, R)emove, M)odify, or Q)uit [Q] :m
Modify which domain? (1-2) [1] : 1
At each prompt, enter the new configuration setting or press Enter to accept the existing setting. (For a description of each management domain configuration setting, refer to Initial Configuration starting with Step 9 on page 13.)
- To remove a domain, enter R. At the Remove which domain? prompt, enter the number for the domain to remove. To confirm the deletion, at the Remove <domain name>? prompt, enter y.
A)dd, R)emove, M)odify, or Q)uit [Q] :r
Remove which domain? (1-2) [1] : 2
Remove domain2? [N] : y
Domain removed.
- When you are finished configuring domain settings, enter Q or press Enter to save the new domain settings to the configuration file.
A)dd, R)emove, M)odify, or Q)uit [Q] :q
[ OK ]
Modifying Logging Options
To modify the configured settings for agent and/or Controller logging:
- Log into the host device as 'root' using the su - command.
- If the agent service is running, stop the agent by entering the following command at the prompt:
[root]# service nectarepc stop
Shutting down nectarepc: . [ OK ]
- Enter the following command to execute the configuration script:
[root]# service nectarepc config
- At the Configuration Options menu, enter 4.
Configuration Options:
[1] Initial/Full Configuration
[2] Agent Identification
[3] Management Domain(s)
[4] Logging
[5] Exit
- If a configuration file already exists for the agent, you will be asked whether to back up the existing file before making changes. Enter y (or simply press Enter) to back up the existing file or n to skip backing up the file. Files are backed up in the /etc/nectarepc directory as nectarepc.1, nectarepc.2, etc.)
Warning: stored configuration already exists:
-rw-r--r-- root 9962 Feb 15 11:12 /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf
/etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf Backup? [Y] :y
Backing up /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf => /etc/nectarepc/
- At the following prompt, enter the desired syslog level for agent logging, or press Enter to accept the existing setting.
Enter agent's syslog level. One of:
[NON] None - No logging
[ALE] Alerts - Action must be taken immediately
[CRI] Critical conditions
[ERR] Error conditions
[WAR] Warning conditions
[NOT] Notice - Normal but significant conditions (default)
[INF] Informational
[DEB] Debug-level messages for diagnostic
[NOT] :
- At the following prompt, enter the desired logging level for Controller event logging, or press Enter to accept the existing setting.
Enter controller's event logging level. One of:
[NON] None - No logging
[ALE] Alerts - Action must be taken immediately
[CRI] Critical conditions
[ERR] Error conditions
[WAR] Warning conditions
[NOT] Notice - Normal but significant conditions (default)
[INF] Informational
[DEB] Debug-level messages for diagnostics
- An OK response indicates that the configuration changes were saved to the configuration file:
[ OK ]
Agent Service Management
This chapter provides instructions for manually starting, stopping, and restarting the Nectar Endpoint Client and for checking the agent's current running status.
Before executing any of the commands described below, log into the Agent host as 'root' using the su -command.
Starting the Agent
To start the Nectar Endpoint Client, enter the command service nectarepc start while logged in as 'root'. An OK prompt confirms that the nectarepc process has been started.
[root]# service nectarepc start
Starting nectarepc[OK]
Stopping the Agent
To stop the Nectar Endpoint Client, enter the command service nectarepc stop while logged in as 'root'. An OK prompt confirms that the nectarepc process has been stopped.
[root]# service nectarepc stop
Shutting down nectarepc[OK]
Restarting the Agent
To restart the Nectar Endpoint Client, enter the command service nectarepc restart while logged in as 'root'. OK prompts confirms that the nectarepc process has been stopped and restarted.
[root]# service nectarepc restart
Shutting down nectarepc[OK]
Starting nectarepc[OK]
Checking the Agent Status
To check the status of the Nectar Endpoint Client, enter the command service nectarepc status while logged in as 'root'. The response will indicate whether or not the nectarepc process is running (and the PID of the process, if it is running).
[root]# service nectarepc status
nectarepc (pid 9530) is running...
In CentOS/RHEL/OL 7.x, you can obtain additional information about the service by entering the command systemctl status nectarepc:
[root]# systemctl status nectarepc
● nectarepc.service - SYSV: Nectar Endpoint Client active test agent.
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/nectarepc; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-02-15 14:35:59 EST; 3min 34s ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 5000 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/nectarepc start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Uninstalling the Agent
If necessary, use the following instructions to uninstall the Nectar Endpoint Client and the Nectar Common Utilities Package from the host device.
Uninstalling using YUM
To uninstall the Nectar Endpoint Client and Nectar Common Utilities packages using YUM, use the yum -y remove command. For example:
# yum -y remove nectarepc tcmy-cmn-util
Uninstalling using RPM
To uninstall the Nectar Endpoint Client and Nectar Common Utilities packages using RPM, use the following command:
# rpm -e[vh] nectarepc tcmy-cmn-util
Upgrading the Agent
To upgrade an existing installation of the Nectar Endpoint Client:
- Log into the host device as 'root' using the su - command.
- Change to the directory containing the new Nectar Endpoint Client RPM.
- Upgrade the Nectar Endpoint Client by entering one of the following commands at the prompt.
To upgrade the 32-bit version of the Nectar Endpoint Client (RHEL/CentOS 6.x only), enter the following:
[root]# rpm –U nectarepc-m.n.b-r.el6.i686.rpm
where m.n.b-r is the Agent version number.
To upgrade the 64-bit version of the Nectar Endpoint Client on RHEL/CentOS 6.x or 7.x, enter the following:
[root]# rpm –U nectarepc-m.n.b-r.elv.x86_64.rpm
where m.n.b-r is the version number and v is the OS version number (6 or 7).
If the nectarepc service is running, it will be automatically stopped before the upgrade is applied. If the upgrade is successful, you should be returned to the command prompt with no error or confirmation message. For example:
[root]# rpm -U nectarepc-3.0.057-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
Shutting down nectarepc: [ OK ]
Existing configuration settings saved in /etc/nectarepc/nectarepc.conf will be migrated to the new agent. To review or change settings, follow the steps described in Modifying Agent Configuration Settings.
- Start the nectarepc service by entering the service nectarepc start command (see Starting the Agent).
The Nectar Endpoint Client for Linux uses the native syslog utility to record information about the operational status of the agent. If you encounter problems with a Nectar Endpoint Client, it may be useful to check the log file for any relevant system or error messages.
The log file is typically located in /var/log/messages, but may be located elsewhere depending on your Linux configuration.
If you are unable to find a solution using the information provided in the log file, contact Nectar Support for further assistance. (See contact information on the back page of this document.)
Agent Will Not Connect to the Controller
If the Agent has been configured with the address and port number for the Controller but is unable to connect to the Controller, a firewall on the Controller host may be blocking connections on the port used to listen for incoming Agent connections (default is TCP 40001). Ensure that the firewall on the Controller host is configured to allow connections on this port, or as an alternative, try to manually add the Agent in the SQmediator Reporter UI.
Upgrading the Agent Causes Previous Configuration to be Lost
Installing a newer version of the agent software may cause existing configuration settings to be overwritten. To avoid losing existing configuration settings, follow the steps described in Upgrading the Agent when upgrading to a new version.
Contact Information: For Sales: Americas – americas@nectarcorp.com Europe, Middle East, and Africa – emea@nectarcorp.com Asia Pacific – apac@nectarcorp.com Latin America – latam@nectarcorp.com For Technical Support: phone:+1 888 811 8647 email: support@nectarcorp.com Visit the Nectar’s web site at: http://www.nectarcorp.com Nectar Services Corp., Nectar Endpoint Client, SQmediator, and the Nectar logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nectar Services Corp., Incorporated. All rights reserved. Nectar Endpoint Client and Controller contain technology described in multiple patents and pending patent applications. |