Nectar DXP 1.13.1
- 13 Jul 2023
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Nectar DXP 1.13.1
- Updated on 13 Jul 2023
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Nectar DXP is Nectar’s secure public cloud infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Nectar’s cloud services can be found at:
Technical Notes
If you are using Foundation APM, version 2021.3 must be installed prior installing Nectar DXP. For more information, contact Nectar Support.
New Features
- Audit Log: Admin API integration
- Architectural backlog:
- Rig DB : Add versioning support for client UC entity configuration tables in Admin DB
- Provisioning: Revisit database clustering support
- Conference Room View:
- Conference room and video device monitoring framework including room builder and detailed device views
- Related events/alarms for all supported devices for integration with your ticketing system
- Supported list of devices in R13.1 is as follows:
- Cisco SX, DX, MX and Room Series devices
- Microsoft certified devices via Microsoft Teams Device API
- Alerting: MS Teams: Create logic for Events (Device Health Status , Activity State)
- Admin: Update User Role Creation Pop-up
- Devices:
- Added Metrics Statuses to the Device card
- Added Device cards to the room view
- Added Device Health Summary component.
- Added Number of Devices in room.
- Adapted Location management logic for Virtual locations Connect/ Disconnect device with room
- Created Device Detailed
- View Device Detailed view: Active Alarms (RIG Devices)
- Device Details: Populate alert level to "System" metrics (RIG Devices)
- Device tab: Device list component
- Rooms:
- Add room (modal)
- Add Number of Devices in room
- Room list component
- Room location: Map IP address of the device with IP Geolocations DB (RIG Devices)
- Create Room view page
- Create Import Room logic (Source-based)
- Delete room
- Edit room (modal)
- Export table with Room/Device list
- Rooms Summary component
- Listings: Search by all columns
- Email Alerting: Incorrect filters are set if click the link in alert notification with SSO user
- Endpoint client:
- Nectar score: Hide Nectar Score for Unknown test type
- Proactive Testing: Hide Nectar Score for Unknown test type
- IP Geolocation:
- Added ability to create "Virtual" location without IP address (for Devices&Rooms dashboard)
- Tenant variable option for defining corporate network location source (either site name or network name)
- Nectar Score:
- Alerting: Add Nectar Score by Location Alert
- Quality Details: Histograms based on "Nectar Score"
- Tenant provisioning: Add description field for tenant provisioning
- User Mapping: [DB] EC+ WebRTC: Change naming convention logic ( WebRTC -"Master" user)
- WebRTC: Session Details: Improve Related tests logic to replace user filter with location filter
- Zoom:
- QOS: Add support for internal IP addresses.
- QSS:
- Create Live conference page
- Create Session details: Summary, Caller/Callee info
- Historic: Session details: Advanced
- Session details: get scenario -> session_modality
- Conference Room View:
- Device Details View: General metrics - apply labels on the UI
- Rooms: Add/Edit room modal: Enhance "location" drop-down component
- Device Details
- General metrics: Add "Show All" checkbox to hide blank values by Default
- Jabra: Update Jabra Score to include DECT/BT metrics
- UI/UX:
- Improve navigation path patterns trough the platform
- Global Filters:
- Session type: Change Reset Filters behaviour to include Webinar
- Remove bottom padding if only one line is available
- Unable to open CD Historic screen after switching to another tenant
- User Overview: Add some loading spinner for UHI control
- Quality Details: Enhance UX for "Platform" filter (make dynamic)
- Zoom form unification
- MS Teams: Conference location no longer populating
- Quality Details: Enhance logic behind NS bar chart for ND sessions
- Zoom QSS: Live Conference: Duplicate unknown participants are displaying in session timeline
Bug Fixes
- Admin:
- Data Diagnostic. Data Delay: Status label isn’t update while changing Threshold/ Set to default
- Locations. IP Locations. User is unable to delete IP location
- Tenant variable.Locations: Site map enable is not reflecting on the Location search list
- >User mapping.Endpoint: Duplicate users are get listing in search result
- Alerts & Notifications. NS Locations: Selected locations are not displaying in Edit modal window
- Cisco page becomes unclickable after user closes event window for alerts
- Conference Room View:
- Device tab:
- Rooms names are not displayed on the device list
- Connect to room modal window. Location field is not populated after selecting the room with specified location
- Device Details: Populate alert level to "System" metrics (RIG Devices)
- Device/Room Health: Revise logic of Health Status definition for RIG devices
- Rooms:
- Sentry error appear while clicking Submit button in Add modal window
- Invalid error message is displaying when try to add room with existing Room name
- Edit Room. 'X' button is not deleting location on the 'Edit room' modal window after the first click
- Device tab:
- Summary/ CD/ User Overview: Histograms don't work
- WebRTC: Top search: WebRTC standlone user is not get listing on the search list
- Zoom: Live: 404 page on clicking the *Goto Conference Page** navigation button
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