Nectar DXP 1.18.1
    • 26 Feb 2025
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    Nectar DXP 1.18.1

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    Article summary


    This is a minor release which introduces new filters, a rules builder, user multi-factor authentication, and a few other new items. Read on for more information.

    Nectar DXP is Nectar’s secure public cloud infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Nectar’s cloud services can be found at:


    Technical Notes

    If you are using Foundation APM, release 2021.3 must be installed prior installing Nectar DXP. For more information, contact Nectar Support.

    New Features

    1. General Settings: Moved "Data Diagnostics" to allow page utilization by the User with Admin Authorities
    2. Global filters:
      1. External IP: Created new filter and implement filtration on database level
      2. Rules Builder:
        1. Added a Phone number column in Session lists
        2. Added a reset option for each filter
        3. Introduced a new advanced "Rules Builder" FILTER
    3. Large Tenant Mode: Added support of filtration for CORPORATE LOCATIONS by Condition
    4. Portal Authentication: Multi-factor Authentication:
      1. Introduced User Interface for MFA under the admin pages
      2. Introduced User Interface for MFA
      3. Prevent access to the App pages for the User with MFA registered
    5. Nectar Score: Locations: Designed and create the mechanism of storing Locations to manage CURRENT state (including Location Nectar Score)
    6. WebRTC:
      1. Admin: Users: WebRTC: Now shows users to UI who logged in through extension
      2. Conversation Journey: Update Platform/Sub-platform definition logic to support various cases


    1. Analytics: Switched to JSON format usage in gf filters while reports creation - to support Rules builder
    2. Cisco WebEx calling: Caller and Callee info is now displayed in the Advanced page
    3. Events: Summary tab deprecation: Hide pages from UI
    4. Session Details:
      1. Caller/Callee: Updated API to support united DB function (backend)
      2. Device info: Changed tooltip content for unsupported device
      3. Nectar Diagnostics: Populated Advanced for the sessions with Video modality
    5. UI/UX:
      1. Updated of the Icons Hovering Pattern
      2. Updated row hovering pointer
    6. User Overview: Updated warning message during navigation to the not permitted User Overview page

    Bug Fixes

    1. Admin: MFA Authenticated user get logged in automatically first time after MFA setup
    2. Alerts & Notifications:
      1. NS Users alert creation is not working
      2. Page gets frozen while trying to edit the NS Location alert
    3. Analytics: Reports run getting failed

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