Nectar DXP 1.18.2
    • 12 Mar 2025
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    Nectar DXP 1.18.2

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    Article summary


    In Nectar DXP release 1.18.2 we have looked to introduce Real-Time option for alerting, made a few improvements to our Conversation Journey and database, as well as our regular round of bug fixes.

    Nectar DXP is Nectar’s secure public cloud infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Nectar’s cloud services can be found at:


    Technical Notes

    If you are using Foundation APM, release 2021.3 must be installed prior installing Nectar DXP. For more information, contact Nectar Support.

    New Features

    1. Introduced the ability to setup and receive real time alerting by Nectar Score. This can be located under the Admin -> Alerts & Notifications tab.
      1. Adjusted the logic to support new alerts type for Nectar Score, Users, and Locations
      2. Disabled Endpoint Client selection as a part of this alert configuration
      3. Provided migration for changes under configuration (Alerting time-related)
      4. Realtime: Cleaned the current state of locations after configuration update
      5. Locations:
        • Alerting time: Introduced a new "Real Time" option
        • Configuration: Additional parameters deprecation
        • Created the table with last location (per config) state
        • Created a new database function with Alerted LOCATIONS list (CURRENT state for REAL-TIME events)
        • Threshold options: Introduced new "Rolling Time Period" option
        • Updated requesting approach for "All Locations" selected for alert configuration
      6. Users:
        • Alerting time: Introduce new "Real Time" option
        • Created and adapted "get user alerts" function to work in real time and period mode
        • Created Clear Email templates for Real time alerting time
        • Implemented Admin DB & Admin API configuration changes for the real time feature
      7. Events - Nectar Score Alerts: Populated event details on View event


    1. Conversation Journey:
      1. Removed the MOS field from the Genesys Cloud (WebRTC) session leg card/ timeline
      2. Wrapped up "Legs" component into accordion view
    2. Database improvements:
      1. Analyzed possible performance improvements (for not LTM mode) with "Conversation Journey" selected for 1 hour period
      2. Updated storing execution queue information
      3. Updated structure of Journey Leg table (index and TS column)

    Bug Fixes

    1. Admin - Alerts&Notifications: Real time alerting by Nectar Score
      1. Add Alert: Display name field loader keeps loading when selecting other options
      2. Email notification sent count is not updating in the list
      3. Locations:
        1. Deleting records throws an error message popup
        2. Subject field is empty in Email detail section
      4. Users:
        1. Alert monitored users flow is not working
        2. Edit Alert title is not displaying properly
    2. Analytics: Edit Report: Rules Builder dropdown displays 'No rules added' until clicked
    3. Call Details:
      1. Alerting don't align properly
      2. Corporate location filtration status getting reset after page navigation
    4. CJV: ND logo is mis-placed in session timeline list
    5. Events:
      1. 500 error on historic API call
      2. NS Location: Valid Description is not appearing in View event wizard
    6. Histogram: Graph chart showing above 100 percentage nectar score
    7. MS Teams. Session summary: Invalid session alert and threshold value are missing
    8. Roles: Checkbox icon displays over the label text

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