Genesys Cloud Configuration
    • 28 Feb 2025
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    Genesys Cloud Configuration

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    Article summary


    For Nectar DXP to gather data from Genesys Cloud, we require configuration for the following:

    • Granting access to Genesys API data to Nectar DXP via an OAuth application

    • Sending events to Nectar DXP via AWS EventBridge

    API Access

    For Nectar DXP to function properly, it needs API access to several Genesys Cloud APIs. The necessary API permissions are assigned to a role, which is applied to an OAuth application with credentials that Nectar DXP will use to access the APIs.

    To perform these steps, you must be a Genesys Cloud administrator with the ability to create roles and OAuth applications.

    Create a Role

    1.  Log onto your Genesys Cloud platform with administrative privileges and navigate to the ADMIN tab

    2.  Under People & Permissions, select Roles / Permissions

    3.  Click on the Add Role button on the top-left. Name the role with the suggested details:

      1. Name: Nectar DXP - ReadOnly

      2. Description: Grants read-only access to APIs used for pulling agent conversation details into Nectar DXP.

    4. Click on the Permissions tab and add the following 3 permissions:

      1. Analytics > Conversation Detail > View

      2. Directory > Group > View

      3. Directory > User > View

    5. OPTIONAL - Add the following permissions that may be used in future Nectar DXP feature enhancements

      1. Architect > Flow > View

      2. Conversation > Participant > Attributes view

      3. Groups > Work Team > View

      4. Journey > Segment > View

      5. Journey > Session > View

      6. Routing > Skill > View

    6. Once done, review to ensure all 3 permissions are as in the picture below (may have to select Assigned Permissions) and click Save & Continue.

    Assign the Role to Your Account

    Before creating the OAuth application, you must add the newly-created role to your account. This is necessary for assigning the role to the OAuth application.

    1. Assuming you are still on the Role permissions screen from the last section, click Change Membership.

    2. Use the search box to find your user account and select the checkbox beside it. Click Save once complete.

    3. Click Save on the Role page to exit the role editing mode.


    This role does not have to be permanently assigned to your account. Once this procedure is complete, the role can be removed from the user account who created the OAuth application. However, this will prevent that user from modifying the OAuth application in the future.

    Create OAuth Application

    1. Return to the Admin main page.

    2. Under the Integrations section, select OAuth. If you do not see this option, you have to be assigned a role that has OAuth > All Permissions

    3. On the top-left, click on Add Client

    4. Give the OAuth application a descriptive name and description, such as:

      1. Name: Nectar DXP API Access

      2. Description: This allows for OAuth authenticated access to conversation and agent details for Nectar DXP.

    5. Under Grant Types, select Client Credentials. A note will appear with text similar to: Role assignment required. Assign roles from Roles tab

    6. On the top, click on the Roles tab

    7. Enable the slider under Assigned for the role created in the previous section. Click Save.

    8. You will be returned to the Client Details tab, where a Client ID and Client Secret will be displayed. Copy these and save them to provide to Nectar later.


    Take care that you don’t expose the Client ID/Secret to anyone other than Nectar.

    Add AWS EventBridge Integration

    To ensure efficient use of API resources, Nectar DXP listens for events from Genesys Cloud via AWS EventBridge. These events trigger processes to gather the relevant information via Genesys Cloud APIs using the OAuth application credentials granted in the previous sections.

    If you already have a AWS EventBridge presence, you can send the events through that. Otherwise, the events can be sent through Nectar’s EventBridge for an additional fee.

    Configuring the EventBridge Integration

    1. From the main Admin page, select Integrations from under the Integrations section.

    2. Select the + Integrations button on the top-right of the screen.

    3. Select Amazon EventBridge Source and click Install

    4. Give the integration a descriptive name such as Nectar DXP EventBridge

    5. Click on the Configuration tab.

    6. If you are using your own AWS EventBridge infrastructure, enter your details under AWS Account ID and AWS Account Region. If you are using Nectar’s EventBridge infrastructure, speak to your Nectar representative for the information

    7. Under Event Source Suffix, input one of the following (depending on how EventBridge is being used):

      1. If you are using your EventBridge infrastructure, input something like Genesys-NectarDXP.

      2. If you are using Nectar’s EventBridge infrastructure, speak to your Nectar representative. It will be the tenant name assigned to your company.

    8. Under Topic Filtering, click the Select Topics button and select the following notification topics:

      1. v2.users.{id}.tokens



    9. Before selecting Save, ensure the Select Topics screen looks as below:

    10. Ensure the settings look similar to below and press Save

    If you are using Nectar’s EventBridge infrastructure, you are all done. If you are using your AWS EventBridge infrastructure, perform the steps in the next section.

    Make sure you give Nectar the following information:

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